Help and support for carers Useful Information I am under 18 and caring for someone – what help can I get? RCSS support carers from the age of 17 (see our Young Adult Carers page). We understand that young carers miss out on many of the opportunities available to their peers including education and training. Anyone in Redbridge under the age of 16 and caring for someone can access the Barnardo’s Indigo Project for advice, support and social opportunities. We work in partnership with the Indigo Project to help young carers transition from Barnardo’s on to our Young Adult Carers service. From April 2015 all young carers are entitled to an assessment from their local authority. The assessment should take a whole family approach taking into account how the needs of the person being cared for impact on the child who is identified as a possible young carer, or any other member of the household. The Care Act 2014 places a duty on local authorities to assess young carers before they turn 18 so they have the information they need to plan for their future. This is called a Transition Assessment. The assessment must consider whether the young carer is likely to have support needs after they turn 18 and how eligible needs can be met under the adult statute.